You've never met a Counselor like me!

"Throughout my life I have always had a passion to

help others, which is why I pursued my degrees and my

profession as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor."

- Steve Nachtigal

You've never met a Counselor like me!

"Throughout my life I have always had a passion to help others, which is why I pursued my degrees and my profession as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor."

- Steve Nachtigal

My passion is to make a DIFFERENCE

I feel led to share more about who Steve is beyond just being a "Mental Health Counselor for 30+ years" as that does not really give a full picture of the passion behind my counseling practice, my bold style of counseling and the inception of the Stay Strong & Stay Focused: Overcoming Depression Program.

Allow me to be even more VULNERABLE about my "Life's Journey!" My Desire is to Build TRUST..... So I will share first!

I was born and raised in the great state of Kansas! I was blessed to be raised on a 6th generation family farm by amazing parents where my 3 brothers and I were taught the value of a work ethic... not because we got something from it, like an allowance, but because it needed to be done!

Doing the WORK

I have worked my whole life, from a child on a farm to working at a

Grain Elevator COOP right after my 8th grade graduation all the way through obtaining my Masters degree. I had to put in long hours working multiple jobs in order to put myself through my Bachelor and Masters college degree programs.

Throughout my counseling career I have worked with my clients struggling with: depression, anxiety, bipolar, substance / mental/ physical/ sexual abuse, marriage/ relationships, physical limitations, trauma, employment, spiritual issues, eating disorders/ body image, ADD/ ADHD, personality disorder, anger management, death & dying, grief, on and on! I have worked with small children, teens/ high school, college, adults & couples from ages 5 to 85 years old!

Throughout my counseling career I have worked with my clients struggling with: depression, anxiety, bipolar, substance / mental/ physical/ sexual abuse, marriage/ relationships, physical limitations, trauma, employment, spiritual issues, eating disorders/ body image, ADD/ ADHD, personality disorder, anger management, death & dying, grief, on and on! I have worked with small children, teens/ high school, college, adults & couples from ages 5 to 85 years old!

Living The DREAM

During this time of my life I was blessed to marry my college sweetheart, raise 3 amazing kids, restore an old farmstead while building family memories playing in the snow, game & movie nights, swimming, playing tag, riding dirt bikes, hiking in the woods with my kids and expanding my private counseling practice while restoring an old historic building in the city to house the practice.

...And LOSING It

I have also experienced many STRUGGLES in my life as well.

From a failed marriage, divorce, having to leave my kids,

home and memories. I experienced chronic burn out, physical

exhaustion, illness, depression & anxiety as my life was

falling apart and I had NO CONTROL!

I eventually lost the historic building in the city to foreclosure and

I had to file bankruptcy! I truly have lived a life of having it ALL...

to living a life of losing it ALL. I was broken, lost and alone... HOPELESS!

I have also experienced many STRUGGLES in my life as well.

From a failed marriage, divorce, having to leave my kids, home and memories. I experienced chronic burn out, physical exhaustion, illness, depression & anxiety as my life was falling apart and I had NO CONTROL!

I eventually lost the historic building in the city to foreclosure and I had to file bankruptcy! I truly have lived a life of having it ALL ....... to living a life of losing it ALL. I was broken, lost and alone... HOPELESS!

Why do I share all this with YOU?

I share this with you because I want to be open and vulnerable with you right from the beginning. If you know who I am and I am willing to share my struggles with you first... then we can develop TRUST that can lead us on a journey together to help YOU live YOUR BEST LIFE NOW!

Throughout my life I have always had a passion to help others which is why I pursued my degrees and my profession as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.

I believe that we can overcome Mental Health issues through doing the hard work to change our critical thinking and to learn new positive ways to overcome Mental Health issues.

I share this with you because I want to be open and vulnerable with you right from the beginning. If you know who I am and I am willing to share my struggles with you first..... then we can develop TRUST that can lead us on a journey together to help YOU live YOUR BEST LIFE NOW!

Throughout my life I have always had a passion to help others which is why I pursued my degrees and my profession as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.

I believe that we can overcome Mental Health issues through doing the hard work to change our critical thinking and to learn new positive ways to overcome Mental Health issues.

Steve Nachtigal MS, Coach, CEO

Please refer to the Calendar in the Contact tab for availability from 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

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