What Our Clients Say


50 yr old female:

Married, Mother & Employed
"The SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program is very straightforward!"


46 yr old male:

Married, Father & Employed
"Working this program I am now understanding how my negative experiences & choices have affected me my entire life!"


53 yr old female:

Married, Mother & Employed
"I have been referring the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression program to others I know! I give the SS & SF program a 5 Star Rating!"


27 yr old female:

Married, Mother & Employed
"Writing down the negative tools is hard but it really helps me to face reality, dig deep into my past & face issues I didn't even know I was struggling with!"


31 yr old male:

Married, Father & Employed
"I have only finished the first module and I am already seeing my mood change, more patience and my wife & I have not had a fight since I started working on myself!"


45 yr old female:

Married, Mother & employed
"I like that the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program is a work at your own pace set up!"


27 yr old female:

Married & Employed

"My Dr. noticed a huge change in my depression, reduced my medication & asked me what I was doing to make such a drastic change. I said I was taking the SS & SF Overcoming Depression Program! Thanks Steve!"


51 yr old female:

Married & Employed

"I was feeling lost and depressed about where my marriage was heading, feeling hopeless about my future and then a friend suggested we seek counsel with Steve. He helped us learn to communicate and to deal with things that we had been ignoring. We are still working on things but feel very hopeful and excited for our future. My husband and I are very blessed to have the tools Steve has given us to move forward in our lives and marriage!"


40 yr old female:

Single Mother & Employed

"I really appreciate the passion that Steve brings to our sessions. I know he really cares and the way he uses visual examples helps me to see my situation from a whole new different perspective."


53 yr old female:

Single & Employed

"Steve's Overcoming Depression Program has been incredible and has helped me process my emotions in so many areas of my life. The most amazing thing about Steve's program is the amount of information and his video's about his own personal struggles. This is a real person with similar struggles and he is not afraid to share his stories with us! I find it incredibly helpful if I know that there are others out there that we can relate to especially if he is my coach! I find that I am not alone my fight to overcome depression.. I highly recommend Steve's Overcoming Depression Program!"


43 yr old Father & son:

Married & Self Employed

"I began taking my son to Steve when he was a preteen and struggling with fear that was consuming him. His mother and I just didn't know what more to do to help him. Not only did Steve help him overcome that specific fear, but Steve has continued to work with my son, helping him to become a well balanced and confident young man. In the process he's also helped me be a better father. I am very grateful for Steve and the way he approaches effective counseling."


32 yr old father:

Married & Employed

"I have known Steve for over 7 years. Steve has always given off a positive presence. When he walks into a room you can feel his positive radiance. Steve is also an amazing father. I have had great opportunities to know his sons who are also wonderful, kind & caring people. When I first met Steve I did not know he was a Counselor. Years later I would find myself dealing with some things I did not understand. Through his counseling I was able to pin point, work through and process my childhood trauma. It made me a better version of myself. It made me a better father and husband."


28 yr old Female:

Self Employed & Married

"Steve has helped me tremendously in my battle with depression, self harm & anxiety. His approach to counseling was different than any other counselor I'd ever met, which is why it worked for me. I just wasn't another "client", he saw I was hurting and jumped right in to help. I felt that he genuinely cared about my well being and wanted to see me thrive through it all. His attention to detail was also key in our appointments; he could tell when something wasn't working and always had a different alternative to help me. He never gave up on me when so many others had. His ability to believe in my capability was huge, it meant so much to me that someone would believe in my strength, even when I couldn't. Something I admire most about Steve, although at times it was difficult, is that he isn't afraid to be bold; if he feels you need to hear something, despite it not being what you want to hear, he'll say it. That impacted my journey greatly as it pushed me to think outside of my own perimeters I gave myself. I have recommended Steve to multiple people and I would strongly encourage anyone who is struggling to reach out to him. I felt like I was a lost cause and no one could help me, Steve truly saved my life."


37 yr old female:

Married & Employed

"My husband and I were on the verge of divorce and our family was falling apart- our oldest son was getting involved in some trouble and we needed serious help. We heard about Steve through some friends and decided to call. Steve was able to recognize how dire our situation was and he not only worked and built relationships with us but also with our son who needed a strong and stable figure he could trust in his life at that time because his father and I were not providing that for him. Steve helped us recognize and establish hard boundaries for our behaviors and gave us strategies we could use in our home to strengthen our marriage without tearing our family apart. Our family has become stronger and healthier than ever because of our time with Steve. He truly is a blessing!"


38 yr old male:

Married & Teacher

"Steve is worth every dollar and more! He is the real deal, both supportive and challenging. He connects with you where you are, but his desire is to see his clients grow and live in freedom. He uses practical and readily applicable strategies to help clients from day one. You determine the pace, but Steve is your partner, your coach to help you reach your fullest potential."


43 yr old female:

Police Officer

"4 years ago life for me was a very dark place not just in my life in law enforcement but life in general. In law enforcement there can be a stigma that officers don't ask for help, have to be strong and can not be weak. My career became my identity and nothing else mattered. "Life" was dark enough that suicide looked like the only way out. My friend saw my pain and referred me to Steve. I made a deal to go to 1 session....but after that first session I saw and felt "different"! Steve is the nicest, caring, straight forward, stubborn guy I've ever met. He pushed me to places I refused to go, challenged me to the point I want to fight him but he never gave up on me. Our sessions helped me change the outlook on my career & life. I started to see "color" and that everything was not dark and life was worth living. I am now in a new chapter of life and it is due to the care and passion that Steve has to help people through their darkest time of life."


38 yr old mother:

Married & Employed

"Steve has worked with my husband and I on and off for the past 8 years. He has walked with us through our rescue attempt of a young man, through adopting our little boy, and through my fight with breast cancer. Through it all he has spoken truth in love and helped us recognize the lies we carry with us that taint our views of reality. I'm convinced that his guidance has saved our marriage more than once and our sanity as well."


11 yr old boy:

Son & Student

"Mr. Steve gave me lots of examples that helped me see that what I was doing was wrong and that I was hurting myself. He gave me advice about how to fix it. I have used some of his examples to help my friends at school. I am excited to talk to him when we have sessions because he makes me feel good about myself and helps me with my life."


45 yr old mother:

Married & Employed

"Steve has counseled my husband and I on and off for many years. When we got in a situation and needed some guidance we always called on his help. As our family grew and our daughter needed some guidance we called on Steve again. He has given us wonderful guidance and direction to help us with life situations. We would highly recommend Steve!"


18 yr old female:


"Before meeting Steve I was constantly stressed and never taking time for myself. I would do everything for others and take no time for myself. When I met with Steve he explained how everything I was feeling was normal and always gave me good strategies to go about fixing things. I would never have to worry about our sessions being weird because he made me feel so safe to talk about anything going on in my life. He truly helped me change my life for the better!"


64 yr old male:

Retired & Self Employed

"Steve's Character, work ethic & professionalism is impeccable! His knowledge of his craft and his ability to implement appropriate & effective strategies are evidenced in our healthy marriage! We have been successful in large part because we followed his direction and have benefited from his encouragement. So, because of all of these things, Steve Nachtigal receives our highest recommendations as a professional counselor!"

K. R.

62 year old female:

Married & Employed

"My husband & I are extremely grateful for Steve's counsel, his wisdom & discernment at employing the various techniques & strategies, and his empathy for our struggles. He has become much more than a counselor...we consider him a friend, and have highly recommended him whenever others indicated a need for his type of services."


21 yr old male:

College Student

"I'll be honest with you; in the past, I never believed in the power of counseling, that it could help bring about a good change in my life. In fact, the first time I saw Steve my skepticism was so real that I ended up leaving the session early and told him that I was never going back. You see, the world I lived in knew no concept of hope. All it knew was the volatile waves of adversity that drowned me in the idea that nothing will every get better no matter what I tried. I struggled with relentless thoughts of suicide & severe depression. I just wanted to die! Then, after a failed attempt on my life, I gave Steve another shot and never looked back. That pivotal moment in my life, the decision to seek help from Steve, is when my life truly started to shape into something meaningful and good. For the first time, I started to feel like I was whole, growing as an individual! My hope is that many others find what Steve offers and apply them to their lives. If I could overcome my struggles with Steve's help then I know that anybody can as long as they put in the work and apply the truths he offers."

R. & M. W.

Upper 20's couple:

Blended family & employed

"Steve is truly amazing! My fiance' & I both come from failed, toxic marriages where it was unhealthy and didn't end well. We both started our relationship bringing in a lot of baggage, but with Steve's guidance we have both learned how to have a healthy relationship and communication through all of the ups and downs. He has showed us how truly happy a relationship can be when you work together as a team. The tools he has given us helps us each and every day to build the relationship we have always wanted. Thanks to Steve we are planning our wedding and enjoying growing closer each day!"


22 yr old female:

Married & Employed

"I really enjoy my sessions with Steve a lot! In our time together counseling, I feel like I have a better handle on my anxiety. Through his teachings, I now notice when I start to become anxious and can make / take the necessary measures to help lower and calm my anxiety without always taking medication like I did before we started counseling. I have had two other counselors in my life. They were not bad, but I never felt like they helped me get to the root of my problems that resulted in my anxiety. They just gave me more of "here is a way to cope and deal with anxiety" or "here is another medication you can try" and that left me with the feeling that I'd never get better without them (counselors). Through Steve's counsel he has helped me learn effective tools so I can stand on my own to help my anxiety...all the while standing beside me, encouraging me and never chastising me if I fell, made a mistake or faced a new fear. Like Steve always tells me "when have you been at this place before in your life....NEVER"! So I have learned to give myself grace, grow and learn from the experience rather than struggle with anxiety!! Thank you Steve!!"


50 yr old female:

Married and Employed

"I was looking for exceptional, Steve appeared. I am not average. Status quo management and a bottle of medication was NOT my answer. Steve's centered, grounded coaching has been the guiding influence to help me navigate the jungle. The principles Steve teaches are balanced and foundational for rebuilding one's pathway in life. His methods are truly life changing."

Steve Nachtigal MS, Coach, CEO

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10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

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All testimonials are based off actual client results and are not promised. Your results depends on your action and dedication to implementing the tools provided to you & through the work that YOU invest in the Stay Strong & Stay Focused program.