Frequently Asked Questions

"I can not afford the Package Prices. They are just too much for me to pay right now!"

I totally understand! The question may be "Can you afford NOT to invest in yourself right now?"

  • Statistics show that the average number of sessions to address mental health issues (such as depression) are between 20-30 sessions.

  • That is a cost of $3000-$4500!

  • Does not include time off work, lost wages, sitter, transportation, etc. add another $1000!

  • Does not include if you are paying for mental health medications. Statistics show that medication can cost from $15 per month (with insurance) to $1000 per month (without insurance)!

  • I have had countless clients over my years of private practice tell me that they got more out of 1 or 2 of our counseling sessions than in 3 years of counseling at the mental health center or with another counselor!

  • Hmmmm? If they had only 10 sessions a year at $150 per session x 3 years that would mean they paid $4500!

  • The SS&SF: Overcoming Depression Program is based off of my 30+ years of experience and you are getting this all for only $1,489.00! The price of $1,489.00 is still much less than your co-pay if insurance is paying for your counseling....with WAY more value and faster results GUARANTEED !!!!

  • What is the PRICE YOU would pay to overcome depression or to drastically reduce depressive symptoms to live your BEST LIFE NOW?

  • Trust me! The returns that you will receive for the small investment of $1,489.00 will bring you YEARS of positive returns such as:

  • Joy

  • Happiness

  • Purpose

  • Stronger and healthier relationships

  • Providing a "legacy" of depression free lives for yourself and those you love....for generations to come!

  • The "Generational Depression Cycle"... stops....NOW.....with YOU!

"What if I purchase a SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program Package and I still am depressed or have not drastically reduced depressive symptoms?"

That is a GREAT question! I am so confident that you will overcome depression or drastically reduce depressive symptoms that:

  • I back the Stay Strong & Stay Focused: Overcoming Depression Program with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Show me another counselor or mental health center willing to do that!!!

  • We "get after it" in the very first module! No paying for multiple counseling sessions just to "get information or build trust" only to talk about your issues later.... 4-5 sessions in to the counseling process! That alone can cost you more than our highest tier package $1,989 price of the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program....WITHOUT positive results or a money back guarantee!!!

  • You want to see results TODAY! The SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program delivers!

  • What have you got to lose? I WILL TELL YOU..... depression and depressive symptoms that is what!!!!


"I have been to many counselors to deal with my depression but I can never find one that I really connect with!"

That is a VALID point for sure! In the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program you can EXPECT:

  • TRUST will be developed between you and I from the very beginning....I will share first! You will have access to the SS & SF: Overcomers Facebook Group for ongoing valuable content, webinars, teaching, Q & A sessions and 24/7 peer support! No more being are a part of a caring, understanding and supportive community!

  • The SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program will EQUIP you with knowledge & insights to your depression and what YOU want in life. If you choose to seek counseling in the future, going through the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program will drastically speed up the counseling process saving you $2000-$3000 in counseling session fees !!!

  • If you can not find a counselor that will acknowledge the work you have done in the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program... then keep looking!

  • Question: What if you have 3-5 sessions with your therapist and do not see quick results, do not connect with them and have to start the therapist search all over again? I know client's who have spent $2000 - $3000 going from one therapist to another trying to find the "right therapist"! My desire is that we build trust from the beginning....I will share first!

  • As you are starting to see...the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program is a WIN / WIN!

  • Whether you seek future counseling or will have the depressive issues addressed, positive tools to practice and a vision of what your BEST LIFE NOW looks like that you are willing to WORK for! Let's go get it.... TOGETHER!

"What if I can not remember or understand the training content?"

Let me put your mind at ease!

  • Each teaching video is easy to understand with no deep technical psychological terms that may be confusing or frustrating!

  • You will have access to the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program teaching video's & action steps 24/7 in the comfort of your own home!

  • Review as needed if symptoms return or if "life happens"!

  • In the SS & SF: Overcomers Facebook group you will be able to ask me questions & receive peer support from your SS & SF Family.... 24/7!

  • We got this!

I do not have the time to do this program now!"

Can you afford to NOT take the time? Ask yourself this question: What is depression or depressive symptoms "Robbing" me of?

  • Being the spouse you wish to be?

  • Being the parent you wish to be?

  • Are you working a job that you do not enjoy or making your desired income?

  • What habits, symptoms or memories (both GOOD & BAD) are you passing on to your kids or loved ones?

  • What is YOUR purpose in life?

  • Give yourself PERMISSION to INVEST into YOURSELF!

  • I am here to HELP!

"I have tried counseling before and it helped while I was in session but shortly after, the depression came back even stronger than before!"

Sadly, I hear this all of the time from my clients coming to me from other therapists or mental health centers.

  • The SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program is based off of my 30+ years in mental health counseling with proven results!

  • I have had countless client's say that they have learned more in 1-2 counseling sessions with me than in 3 years of therapy at other mental health centers or therapists they have worked with before counseling with me!

  • Teaching video's and Action Step workbooks will help guide you on your journey to identify core issues, develop new POSITIVE tools & develop a vision of what your BEST LIFE NOW can look like...TODAY!

  • You have access to the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program...24/7! NO MORE waiting weeks or months before meeting with your therapist. You can address issues or triggers as they come up!

  • Get excited and Take action!

  • Remember, nothing will change without YOU taking the first step!

  • I will walk with you every step of the way and after you have completed the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program and in the SS & SF: Overcomers FB Group!

  • We are Family!

Steve Nachtigal MS, Coach, CEO

Please refer to the Calendar in the Contact tab for availability from:

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

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* DISCLAIMER: This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook™ Inc. There is no guarantee that growth will occur within a certain number of days. Results vary because of many factors, including the action taken by the person taking the Stay Strong & Stay Focused program.

All testimonials are based off actual client results and are not promised. Your results depends on your action and dedication to implementing the tools provided to you & through the work that YOU invest in the Stay Strong & Stay Focused program.