"Our vision is to Challenge the Traditional approach to mental health, characterized by Prolonged Therapy and Medication, by delivering life-changing educational programs."

- Steve Nachtigal

"Our vision is to Challenge the Traditional approach to mental health, characterized by

Prolonged Therapy and Medication, by delivering life-changing educational programs."

My passion is to help anyone live their


Welcome to Stay Strong and Stay Focused!

Who is Steve Nachtigal?

Throughout my life, I have always had a passion for helping others which is why I pursued my degrees and my profession as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. I believe that we can overcome Mental Health issues through doing the hard work to change our critical thinking and to learn new positive ways to overcome Mental Health issues.

It is my passion to challenge traditional Mental Health Counseling approaches of requiring years of therapy and the overuse of medication to address mental health issues.

Stay Strong & Stay Focused: Overcoming Depression Program

If you are ready to make a difference in your life or in the life of someone you know and love to overcome depression, or drastically reduce depressive symptoms, click on the button below to start your journey to live YOUR BEST LIFE NOW!

Want These Immediate Results?

Do you want to know more?

Set up your FREE 20 min Coaching Session ($100 Value)!

Click the button below to schedule... TODAY!


What Others Are Saying About The SS & SF Program!

"Writing down the negative tools is hard but it really helps me to face reality, dig deep into my past & face issues I didn't even know I was struggling with!"


27 yr old female: Married, Mother & Employed

"The SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program is very straightforward!"


50 Yr Old Female: Married, Mother & Employed

"I have only finished the first module and I am already seeing my mood change,

more patience and my wife & I have not had a fight since I started working on myself!"


31 yr old male: Married, Father & Employed

"Working this program I am now understanding how my negative experiences & choices have affected me my entire life!"


46 Yr Old Male: Married, Father & Employed

"I like that the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression Program is a work at your

own pace set up!"


45 Yr Old Female: Married, Mother & Employed

"I have been referring the SS & SF: Overcoming Depression program to others I know!

I give the SS & SF program

a 5 Star Rating!"


53 Yr Old Female: Married, Mother & Employed

Steve Nachtigal MS, Coach, CEO

Please refer to the Calendar in the Contact tab for availability from

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM!

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All testimonials are based off actual client results and are not promised. Your results depends on your action and dedication to implementing the tools provided to you & through the work that YOU invest in the Stay Strong & Stay Focused program.