This single Workbook is 7X more effective than

Traditional Mental Health Therapy because we prioritize YOU

Steve Nachtigal: Renowned Counselor and Coach.

Over 30 Years of knowledge

from an effective counselor revealed in this workbook

Overview of Workbook


Reaching YOUR Goals.

This workbook guides you through a process of self-discovery and practical strategies, such as insight into your past, realistic goal setting, and releasing limiting beliefs.

Starting Today!


From YOUR Home!

This course is designed to be done in the comfort of your own home, and can be completed completely on your own!


Unique Approach

You will learn how to do the work for yourself. This workbook will bring up your past and how it affects you now, and by CONFRONTING your limiting beliefs by ACTION.


Continuous Growth

This workbook equips you with tools and strategies to overcome life's obstacles, increase fitness, improve your relationships, and develop daily practices that foster personal growth, conquer fears, and achieve long-term fulfillment.

Stop putting

your Mental Health in the hands of other people

Spending weeks hearing "how does that make you feel", then "see you next week", with no lasting relief?

By utilizing this workbook, YOU are in charge of your OWN mental health.

In this workbook, there are practical strategies and Action Steps you can work on IMMEDIATIELY for your own mental health.

If you want to...

Rebuild your relationship with yourself for those close to you.

Become physically active and comfortable with progress, so you can always keep up and be engaged in every life event.

Show up better for those around you, and inspire them. This ripple effect starts with you.